Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christams

And a late Happy Birthday to Aimee.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The City, Snow, a Tree and Me

This post marks number 50.  Hope you all have a Happy Holidays wherever you are.  New York City, I look forward to my return next year.  Oh... and there's a bit of a peaking mountain back there too (just deal with it Savage).

Monday, December 10, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pass the Peace Pipe to the Right Hand Side

Took me until the middle of the month to finally drop some Thanksgiving inspired art... but in the spirit of sharing and giving... here you go.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Ale and the 40

It was Alessandro's 30th birthday last Monday. I was told that he likes drawings. This started as a little sketch during a production meeting. I was having fun with it so I continued it for a few days. Happy Birthday Ale!

Post It #9 - #10

Juan Pablo Valdez Escobar Martinez

This guy usally hangs at the Side Bar; an old bar I used to work at. He was quite the character.

Pig Bear

She used to work with me. I was in love with her.

Friday, November 02, 2007

My Witch Hazel

Alright... last witch for awhile, I promise. Broke out the pencils for the first time in a long time and had a lot of fun. Maybe I should start focusing on some Pilgrims shooting Indians (and Turkey) for the next holiday series.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Challah Ween

I am obsessed with drawing Witches. Instead of focusing my creative energies on a costume this year, I decided to just keep doodling witches. I have a few more to come. And now you have my home address if you want to send me anything... or stalk me. I am okay with both.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Post It #4 - #8

I haven't posted any drawings for the Post It series in awhile... so here are a few that have been lying around my desk.

Post It #4 - Flowers for Ivana

Post It #5 - Call Simon

Post It #6 - Stoned Fish with Aneminemini

Post It #7 - Purple White Wolf

Post It #8 - Smoking Mermaid... splash!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Off They Flew

This is my bird that I submitted to LittleBird Gallery's Griffith Park Benefit Art Show, "Off They Flew." I was happy to see a little red dot next to it when I arrived opening night a few Saturdays ago. It really was a wonderful show with some great artwork by some great artists. If you would like to see some other pieces, go to: http://littlebirdgallery.com/offtheyflew.htm Enjoy!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Faaaabu du!

I have the city of Austin to thank for this one. This is the man to get a haircut from if you live there or visit.

Gabe Dropping the Evilness

Bringing it back to 2003 for this one.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Lighting Exercise

The following are some quick sketches I did from movies for a lighting exercise. Each one is drawn with a black brush pen and a grey Prismacolor marker. The white areas were left white. Each is at the actual size I drew them in.



Apocalypse Now