Monday, January 31, 2011

Art Block for Ghana

This is my completed painting (gouache, acrylic 10 x 10 on wood block) for the Art Block for Ghana charity auction coming up in March.  The artwork will be displayed in NYC (Feb) and LA (Mar) before the auction goes live online.  Read more about the great work the Picture Book Project Foundation is doing to help unfortunate children across the world.

And see more of the outstanding artwork artists from all over have contributed to this event.

1 comment:

Diego Arandojo said...

I'm writing you from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I would like to congratulate you on the quality of your artwork. It's really magnificent!

I love how you structure your art; it's very delicate.

The way that you use the color is truly magnificent!

My name is Diego. I'm writer and author. A few years I have investigated on a typical food of Argentina: the Empanadas (Pasties).

I was wondering if you interested in drawing one of these "Argentinean Pasties" (Empanadas) for me.

You can see how they are going in my blog:

I would love to add one of your works to my future empanada's book.

Greetings from Argentina