Friday, July 24, 2009

Vampyr City

(smaller version)

(larger version)

Spilled a dark beer all over this drawing and my entire sketchbook. Yippee!


  1. Thanks for the comments Jason. I´d leave you a comment on yours, but I don´t know if you would see it with the 20 other comments you get for each post... nice work as always to you!

  2. This serial is very nice , but something is missing...I mean somebody...where is the fairy Matthew? Is she hidden behind one of these building? Or maybe she's looking at us behind a window?

  3. whoa. these are too cooool.

  4. These are fantastic, thanks for posting them! I don't suppose you would be willing to let me use the small version of "vampyr row houses" on a poetry website I'm working on? (utterly non-commercial). I would of course credit you and link the image to wherever you'd like. Please let me know. My email address is

    Whatever you decide, keep drawing and sharing... it's great stuff.
