Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Web Page and Other Stuff

For those of you that have been following me here over the last few years as well as those that randomly pop by, I very much appreciate it.  I wanted to let everyone know that I have a new web site up that puts things into a little more order.  And it includes the other various platforms where I am showcasing my work.

I will continue to post here as well- I know each person likes a different platform for viewing things on the interwebs.

Comments and critiques are welcome as usual.  More work to come soon!


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    So should I stay subscribed to this blog's RSS, or subscribe to your new website's blog's RSS? Will they have exactly the same content posted to each? Also yeah, even if you do stop using this blog, keep it around since I'm sure it has more content ranging back longer. Love your work!

  2. Anonymous - yes... you can stay here and this blog will always remain in the interwebs. I will be cross updating all my stuff. But the new web page will also host a few different things - such as a way to follow a project as I create it (which will be mostly through Instagram or Vine).

    Thanks for the compliments.
